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5 Common Household Items That Could Harm Your Pet

In recognition of National Animal Poison Prevention Week (March 19 – 25), our team is keen to highlight some of the most regularly encountered household items that are dangerous for animals.


#1: Medications

Pets, and especially food-motivated dogs, will pounce on any dropped pills before their owners can even move. Worse yet is when these animals search through visitors’ luggage or sneak onto the countertops to discover pill bottles filled with medication. These overdoses are lethal for pets and pet parents should reach out to an animal poison control hotline as soon as possible if they suspect ingestion of a hazardous substance has occurred.


#2: Food

The kitchen is a hazardous landmine of delectable treats for your pets, and it’s essential to know that ingredients like chocolate, macadamia nuts, xylitol, avocados and more can severely harm them. From kidney failure to seizures to alcohol poisoning – the potential damage these foods cause cannot be overstated. So guard against counter-surfing pet chefs by blocking their access with locks or trash cans; you’ll have peace of mind knowing your furry friend will be safe from accidental poisonings!


#3: Household chemicals

Keep your beloved pet safe by ensuring that these hazardous chemicals are properly stored away and securely locked:

  • Cleaning products
  • Disinfectants
  • Aerosol air fresheners and other products
  • Candles
  • Antifreeze
  • Windshield washer fluid
  • Paint
  • Glue
  • Nail polish remover



#4: Houseplants

When you bring home a houseplant or outdoor shrub, take caution. Certain plants and the substances that help them thrive can be poisonous to your pet! Lilies are especially lethal for cats, as even contact with their pollen is known to cause death. Dieffenbachia, elephant ear, spider plant—these common household blooms also contain toxins harmful to animals. For outdoor spaces: ivy and oleander present potential danger too. Before bringing in bouquets of flowers or adding greenery outside your dwelling area, consult the ASPCA’s toxic plant list first; make sure any flora decorating your living space will not endanger your furry friends’ wellbeing!


#5: Batteries and coins

If ingested, coins and batteries can be hazardous to your pet’s health. Chewing or puncturing a battery may result in chemical burns, while swallowing a whole battery could lead to an intestinal obstruction. To guard against these potential risks, keep all small objects away from your furry friends!

In case your pet has been exposed to something hazardous, don’t hesitate – contact our team right away!